Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Christian Kaiser @ Archibus Solution Center Germany: Creating Smart Buildings – Real Estate Management for Global Enterprises

HS001 Building E1 3, Lecture Hall 001, Saarland Informatics Campus

Only a few companies know the actual utilization of their office space. At the same time, 65 percent of employees want a hybrid and digital working environment. Archibus meets both needs. Sensor technology in offices, IoT or digitalized portfolios to reduce emissions — Archibus offers the key to the buildings of the future with comprehensive […]

Dr. Richard Hipp – How SQLite Works

Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal (E2 2)

Abstract: If you measure success by the number of deployments, SQLite dominates the database world. There are more instances of SQLite running today than all other database engines combined. Why is this? How did SQLite come to be so widely used? What makes SQLite different?This talk attempts to answer those questions by reviewing the unusual […]

Dr. Dirk Ziegenbein @ Robert-Bosch-GmbH – Building a Cyber-Physical Cloud Edge Continuum

HS001 Building E1 3, Lecture Hall 001, Saarland Informatics Campus

Dirk studied electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech and TU Braunschweig and in 2002 received a Ph.D. on modeling and design of embedded systems. He held several positions in R&D (software component technology, scheduling analysis, software architectures for multi-cores, autonomous systems design) and product management (embedded software engineering tools). In his current role as […]