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Dr. Daniel Kästner @ AbsInt – Preventing Death by Software
Mai 15, 2024 @ 16:15 - 17:15
- Daniel studied Computer Science and Business Economics at Saarland University and, in the year 2000, received his Ph.D. on code optimization for embedded processors. He is a co-founder of the company AbsInt, located here at the Science Park. AbsInt provides verification tools for safety- or security-critical embedded systems, in particular based on abstract interpretation and formal compiler verification. Over the years Daniel gained a lot of insight in the development of control software for cars, airplanes, nuclear power plants and medical devices, and the verification challenges for them. Obviously a malfunctioning of the software in such systems can be dangerous for people, but formal verification techniques are only slowly being adopted in industry. The talk will touch on safety-critical systems in industry, self-driving cars, the acceptable level of risk, and formal verification methods in practice.